Wednesday, January 31, 2024

January Finish

 The first month of the Chookshed Stitchers 2024 Challenge is No 6 and this was the bag kit form Scrub Stitchin last year. It is finished, I used some bag wadding to stiffen it but it's a bit too stiff and was very hard to turn through and also pull up the draw strings, never mind, next bag I might just use it for the base. I did a quick crosshatch quilting design on the bottom sides and back and just a few straight lines on the bottom of the front. 

I have 3 lists this year, one list I finished the bag in previous posts which has now been gifted and the third list is quilting of which I did none this month it has been way to hot.

As a challenge to myself this year I am sewing 30 minutes per day for January I did 26/31 so not bad.

Tuesday, January 30, 2024

SAHRR24 Border 1

 Stay at Home Round Robin Border 1

Wendy from piecefulthoughts was in charge of the first border and she chose the signature block. My centre block didn't measure the right amount to do a full border of signature blocks, indert learning curve here, so I just did corner signature blocks. 

In other news Dave found this on Saturday morning it's the scratched, by cats, and partially rotting, by the ants and the extreme heat that we've had, remains of a brown snake!! I hate snakes, I am so glad he found it and not me. it looks like the snake was attacked by the cats and was trying to protect it's head, apparently that's their thing and it must have got stuck, it's half in one of our raised garden beds this one is the chooks spinach bed.

These are the blocks I have done for January Rainbow Scrap Challenge.

Sunday, January 21, 2024


 I'm attempting to do the Stay at Home Round Robin this year, this is my centre block which is the neighbourhood block from Scrappiness is Happiness book by Lori Holt.

We have baby pineapples!

Saturday, January 20, 2024


 Oh my it is so hot, I think I'm melting.The last week while Dave was away at work it was too hot and humid to sew, bugger. We got a nice lot of rain Wednesday evening and Thursday morning so that was good. I have finally finished this book, Cloud Cuckoo Land, It was an interesting book the characters were great but like his previous book it was a while(last 100 pages) before they all came together. I was determined to finish it and I think it took me about 5 weeks to read.

Another one that took a while I think I just wasn't in the mood to read over Christmas but this was another great book by Kate Morton.


Then this book took me 3 days to read it was great .

The stray kittens are growing up and they are very cute as all kittens are, playing around the yard destroying flowers haha.

I am thinking of joining in the Round Trip sew a long with Emma Jean Jansen, I'm thinkiing of using this bunch of Tilda that I have had for a few years.

While we were delivering some pickles and sauces to Somerton Pub to sell I was looking at their renos in the dining room and there was some quilts and cushions there for sale, these were the only ones Dave got a photo of, I had left my phone at home, They match my top nicely. Maureen that used to own Stitch Between the Bridges in Tamworth is the publicans mother, small world.

This scrap extravaganza is now a finished top, I started this version of Everything goes by These Clever Hands in 2019 before we moved and then my computer crashed along with a lot of patterns, that I thought I had backed up but didn't, so I  got the container with all the bits and got it finished. Even though it was all stash it didn't really make a dent.
Livvy boy thinking he is being helpful

My first finish for the year is a bag for my niece, it was to be a Christmas present but I didn't use the right stiffening so I re did it and will get it to her soon.

My no 6 project is going nicely the embroidery is almost done so I will hopefully get to it this week and finish it off.
That's enough rambling I'm going to make sauce, I am sick of tomatoes and zucchinis.

Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Scrappy Challenges.

I am going to do this challenge properly this year, last year I tagged along at the end.

So far my plan is to make 16 patches and also a bow tie block in the months colours, maybe something else I'm not sure.

Also I have challenged myself to sew for 30 minutes per day, so far I'm a 100 percenter.

The Chookshed Stitchers 2024 Challenge number for January is 6 so that would be the bag from Scrub Stitchin. best get to it

These are the books that I borrowed and read last year some good, some great, some meh! I know I read a few more but didn't document them.

February Challenge

 Well here is February and Deanna from Dreamworthy Quilts  has picked the challenge number for February it is number 10!!!!!!!!!!! My number...