Wednesday, March 24, 2021

 Weekly Update

Hubby and I went to Gunnedah for the weekend to pick out a fire place for our house, we met one of the tenants and she was lovely with a gorgeous dog so we were happy. 40 kms out of Gunnedah a truck spat up a heap of stones onto the windscreen and one stuck and chipped the screen, I didn't get a picture of the chip but we went to Supercheap and got a repair kit and for a big chip now you can hardly see it.

Sauturday we went to the markets, it needs a shake up, there wasn't much there I don't know if there are regulations but there was only one food van, we were looking for breakfast, and no fresh produce, one stall selling sauce and jams but you couldn't taste any. There was a local council stand and they gave us an information bag as new residents with all sorts of info, a biscuit and a voucher for $20 Gunny money.

Afterwards we went out of town for a drive to find the solar farm that our tenants are building it is enormous.

Then we were driving around and saw a silo at the end of town painted with the Dorothy Mackellar poem. 

On Sunday as we were leaving we saw a few vintage cars and tractors driving around and realised the Museum had an open day.

I finished Jane Harpers book The Survivors. I have loved all of her previous books and this was the same I had no idea who dunnit till the end there was no clues and such a surprise and great read. I picked up my beach painting from a resident, I need to finish her quilt now.

I also finished another three Brontes Stars blocks I'm happy with it so far.

Sunday, March 14, 2021

I've had a busy week

 Well this week has been busy, work at the beginning of the week , then Fridy off but we had to help(see move) the mother in law. She wasn't moving very far just about 50 metres from one unit in the complex to another more suitable for her needs and also next door to her sister. Mil hadn't been there very long but everything had been unpacked, luckily we had Brad (youngest son) to help with his ute, we worked hard all day but got it all moved, she may not find anything for a while I put the kitchen away how I would have it.... The photos below are the husband getting a ride on the ute, we were on proivate property so it was semi ok, then the view from the deck of the new unit and just a bit of the stuff we moved.

I managed to finish Nora Roberts the Awakening, I love all Nora Roberts books and grab any new ones from the library when I can this one is a new trilogy that didn't disapoint.

I finally got all the pieces cut for the new sew a long with Emma Jean Janson the quilt is called Brontes Stars and I sewed the first block I am going to love this quilt. I have some dress hems to do for a couple of the girls at work so I will be able to sew the quilt blocks after that.

Cheers Lianne

Friday, March 5, 2021

Nobody ever said moving is fun!

 We are moving soon so everything needs to be packed up OK that's normal when you move but no not here! The landlord is building in ouor vegie garden very soon so the chook pen is gone the garden is gone the garage is going so is the driveway access. So the last feww weeks we have been packing all of these things and storing them at the hubby's workshop, All my scrapbooking things, patchwork books, reading books all gone to the workshop. All the preserves are in the spare room but the jars are gone, so I can't do anything with the eggplant. So today being my day off I had to go help the hubby with the chook pen and general garden stuff, getting them onto pallets and up onto the shipping containers because he was sick of moving them in and out every day.

This picture below is all the rooking iron and mesh sides of the chook pen.

Yes we wrapped them tight with glad wrap.

These shelves are for the pumpkins, we screwed the shelves to hang from the ceiling of the chook pen to store the pumpkins, and of course when they were put on the roof of the container they fell off the pallet.

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

I have bartered 2 quilts

Last week at work I took some of my quilts to show the residents, like a mini quilt exhibition. I'm not a brilliant quilter but I make do. One of the residents is a really good artist and she asked for the quilt below the green and orange card trick quilt I said she could have it it's an old quilt I made it iin a groupa and used it to sample different styles of free motion quilting, she asked me for a price but I suggested she could draw a picture of our dearly departed dog which she was happy to do. The next morning she messaged to say she was done. Below is the photo of Kelly that I sent her and the picture of the drawing she did. I love it.


So I went to get my picture and she asked if I would finish and give her my Meadowlands quilt, designed by Along Came June, for a painting of my choice. So seeing as we are moving away from Wollongong soon I asked if she could paint me a local beach scene from Woonona or Bulli beach where hubby and I both spent our youth, before we knew each other, so I'm waiting and I will have to get the quilt finished.

A bit after mid February

 I am pondering what to do.... I haven't done any of the Chookshed Challenge for this month, I thought I would have started the Quilt Fu...