Monday, July 25, 2022

UFO Blog Hop

 Joan from Moose Stash Quilting is hosting this months blog hop and oh my do I have some UFO's. I only looked in the quilt tops that are sitting waiting patiently and theres a numerous amount. Why is this you may ask? I love to patchwork but the quilting part is a challenge for me, I love doing binding it's just that bit before the binding. There is a pattern here. I bought a small quilting frame last year and I have had it assembled twice. last year I did 2 quilt tops on it and decided I need a machine with a bigger throat than my little Brother. Also I'm not good at it and I know that practice will help me get better I just don't like the look of my quilting most of the time.

So when this blog hop got closer I assembled the frame again made it as big as it will go , because there are some wide quilts to be done, and put my big machine on the carriage and the thread kept breaking. I realised the machine was on a tilt so I put a wooden cutting board under it to balance and make it straight, it still kept breaking thread and the carrriage wouldn't move nicely. Big machine is too heavy so it went back to the sewing room and the little machine hopped on. 

Now to the quilt tops and backing! 

All the backings are there some are patched some are just fabric joined and a couple are widebacks bought especially for the quilt it will go on.
Quilts are 
1/ A table runner made for christmas 2017
2/ a mystery quilt from Australian Quilting and Patchwork magazine circa 2005?
3&4/ Square in a square, I started making these and went a bit overboard so there was enough for 2 lap quilts.
5/ ugly fabric tumbler quilt. I cut tumblers from a die cut machine using fabric that I wouldn't use for anything else, this quilt is huge which is why it hasn't been quilted.
6/ something windmills from a bee swap maybe around 2015
7/ Fuzzy blocks another bee swap 2019
8/ Bee swap 2019
9/ Fusion quilt by Gnomeangel 2019 block a day for 100 days sew a long.
10/ Stash busting quilt 2019
11/ Tula pink Kingfisher quilt 2019
12/ Whirligig quilt 2021
 6" sampler quilt 2021
14/ Mystery quilt by gumtree cottage 2021
15/ Disappearing 9 patch 2022
16/ Mirage Quilt 2022
So with the mishaps of the last 2 weeks I have quilted the 2 square in a square quilts and happy to have got them done I am ready to load another quilt onto the frame after lunch.
Go and have a look at  what the others in todays hop have done
Thanks for stopping by

Saturday, July 23, 2022

Wood gathering

Oh my I am sore, my fingers are sore, my shoulders are sore and my legs are sore but we have a fair bit of wood for nothing. The price of wood is getting like everything else I suppose it's ridiculous. A friend mentioned a couple of months ago that they have a lot of fallen trees so we finally made a day to go out there.The property is huge they have their own lake with heaps of black swans living there, Dave was thinking about how many garden beds he could build I think. The hangar in the photo has one plane in it.

Now all we have to do is go back in a week or two and get enough wood for next season, we hardly made a dent in the pile but a lot was too old and a bit rotten.


Saturday, July 2, 2022

Friday Night with Friends -July

 I never remember this but Anorina from sameliasmum blog reminded me and i had been sewing before the football so I took some pics to share.

I added a couple more rows to my Mirage Quilt, and I have been sewing these pink or red half square triangles as a leader ender thing for months now with no idea what it was to become and I had 12 in this floral so it will become a cushion to go to Lismore.
It is a miserable damp day here so I am going to make a loaf of bread and then sew- fingers crossed 

A bit after mid February

 I am pondering what to do.... I haven't done any of the Chookshed Challenge for this month, I thought I would have started the Quilt Fu...