Monday, April 19, 2021

 Another Weekend Gone In a Flash.

We went up to the house on Friday with a load in the trailer this one was all boxes and plastic storage boxes. I was told it was to be garden stuff but there was some sewing room boxes in there. Hubby had packed two trolleys so only a small bit of lifting. There's a couple of picks of the roses still flowering in the yard and there are a few Geraniums as well everything needs a prune and mulch. Then it was off to Gunnedah Show!!!!!!!!!! I used to be a "carny" back in the day but I haven't been to a local show in years and I can't wait till next year to be able to stay a bit longer and watch the horses and mustering events. I haven't had a Dagwood Dog for years either I used to cook them in the food van I worked in.

This horse did not want to be there, he was bucking and walking
 backwards, not a happy horsey.Some of the needlework in the competition. I didn't get pictures of the jams and cakes we were in a rush to relax after getting up at 3am.

I love the markings on these girls feathers, I would wear fabric with that print.

This guy was a beautiful Rooster.
From far off you couldn't tell which end was what.

Back at the club for a very early dinner of Lamb pot pie that was delicious, we even remembered to use our Dine and Discover vouchers from the government.
News!!!!!! I am going to be buying this second hand quilting frame.... Yay!!!!

Saturday, April 10, 2021

A Quick Trip To The New House

 We did a quick trip to Gunnedah yesterday, we left at 3.30 am with a huge load in the new trailer. Over a ton of stainless mesh and steel posts and timber and mowers, tools, bbq. All things we could leave up there against the back fence or in the small back shed. We're planning another next week but we may stay 2 nights, coming home today was chaos, we hit the Blue Mountains at lunchtime and I am grateful we were travelling east instead of west it was like a carpark. Bumper to bumper. Anyway the first load is gone Dave's poor car did not like pulling that huge trailer load. My hands and arms weren't to keen on unloading it either. We slept well last night.

On the way to Gunnedah we were again behind a huge wind turbine blade being moved along the highway luckily it was only for a short distance. I would love to know where it came from and what time it started the move .
On the way home we saw a cow on the road being herded along from a distance. I have started a new car crochet blanket it is the same stitch as my friend Anorina's Berry Pie blanket. The stitch is a twisted treble very easy to do it is growing I got 18 rows done this trip.


Thursday, April 1, 2021

It Was A Beautiful Day For A Wedding

Last Friday saw us at a wedding,delayed exactly 12 months due to covid, it was a beautiful day, a beautiful setting at Coolangatta Winery on the south coast. We stayed the night in a lovely room, The Harness Room, decorated with antidue furniture but a new bathroom. The bride and her family and friends did all the decorations and the reception room looked lovely. 

The winery started life in 1822 as the first settlement onthe south coast, there was blacksmiths, artisans and ship builders. On Saturday we went to the Shoalhaven Heads hotel for a wonderful breakfast before heading home and picking the last of the pumpkins. We also started digging up the sweet potatoes.

On Monday I went to Spotlight with a $20 voucher and they had a 30%off sale so I got this bag of goodies for $78. Hubby sent me a photo of all of our crop of pumpkins stored in the back verandah we have given about 20 away already because we can't take all of these with us.


A bit after mid February

 I am pondering what to do.... I haven't done any of the Chookshed Challenge for this month, I thought I would have started the Quilt Fu...