Saturday, June 29, 2024

June news

  It has been so cold!!!! I don't like cold.The only crafting I have been doing is my crochet rug and a bit of cutting. 

I have been doing a lot of soup and stew cooking with the husband going away Monday - ThursdayI cook on the weekend and send him with food and freeze some for a friend that we feed and have enough in the fridge for me for the week as well, I couldn't be bothered cooking just for me.

This years crochet rug is finished, I'm not sure who it's going to but I have enough yarn to make another one.

I think I have truly gone mad, I have decided to do a postage stamp quilt from my scrap bins, I started cutting 1.5" squares and then I bought an accuquilt die which made things a lot easier

This project could take a very long time, I have emptied one bin that's all.
I haven't done any of my June Chookshed Challenge project, I just haven't been feeling it. I also haven't done much of my Blue Basket needleturn quilt
I decided at the end of May I was not going to buy any fabric for the month of June seeing as I'm going to the Sydney Craft Show next week and I will need to save some money, but then I got an email that Gnomeangel was selling off her fabrics at 60% off if you bought a metre, now I went through her shop and made a huge cart and deleted it but then the next day I got a text from my good friend Anorina and I had another look at Gnomeangel's shop and the picture below left was the result it's all very beautiful.
Then last Wednesday a text from Spotlight told me that all quilting fabric was $15 a metre, including wide back so I had to go and have a look seeing as I was in Tamworth for work, I also got 2 new memory foam pillows for the hubby and me for $10 each and also there were cushions @$5 each great as a cushion insert. You should have seen me trying to carry it all as I ran out of the shop after the cushions scanned at $15 and the assistant changed the price but the fabric price also changed to $5 a metre, no guilt here.

I have some mending to do this weekend jeans to hem and a couple of tops to take in.
Well hopefully whatever number Deana draws next week will get worked on.

Monday, June 3, 2024

May Recap

 Well May is gone, I know we all say this but the year is flying by.....

May project for the Chookshed Challenge was my Basket Quilt, I started this one just after I bought my Accuquilt set. Its a bit hard to see on the design bed over the other quilt, I have teal sashing to go and it's a top.

I've lost my sew jo, it's there somewhere but just for handsewing, I have been joining hexie flowers , these were started at work in the afternoons about 2010 and I joined them with grey hexies but I didn't like it so I put the box on top of the bookcase and pulled it down and ripped all the grey hexies out and started to join them again, there's some vintage fabrics there.

We went to the races on the last weekend of May it was a beautiful afternoon and the fashions on the field were interesting all the ladies taking to the stage and assuming the position of legs crossed, I may have made a few disparaging comments because I'm a bithch but I said them very quietly.

A friend in Tamworth had a clean out and I scored this cute tea pot and another friend gave me a sewing machine trolley and about 30 cookbooks

So Deana has drawn no 10 for June my 10 is a redwork Christmas quilt, so I will start to work on that. 
For May I sewed my 30 minutes almost everyday. I made 2 pink 16 patch blocks and 4 bow tie blocks for the RSC.
I made 2 blocks for my bee swap and I have been adding to my crochet rug. 
Enjoy the cold month of June. I am making some chicken and vegies soup tomorrow.

A bit after mid February

 I am pondering what to do.... I haven't done any of the Chookshed Challenge for this month, I thought I would have started the Quilt Fu...