Friday, September 23, 2022

Queen of Gadgets Blog Hop

 Carol of Just Let Me Quilt is hosting this hop, the challenge was to use your favourite sewing tool to create a project.

I love a good gadget but which is my favourite? this month the favourites would be my Stripology ruler, my rotating cutting mat and a squaring up ruler(I hate trimming 1/2 square triangles). 

So what will I make using these? I went through the ever growing stash and found all the solids that I have and don't use because I just don't so I made a block book from Jo Avery's book Patchwork and Quilting Basics. First I pressed everything, then used the Stipology Ruler and started cutting, while I was there I cut a mountain of strips in solids to make a Jacobs Ladder quilt too.          

I used a 10" ruler, because that is the size I have, to square up the blocks and sewed them all up , I used a ruler to mark the quilting lines and I even followed the instructions and finished the book minus 3 toggle buttons that I need to get.
This is the last day of the hop so go and visit the others and see what gadgets they have, I'm making a wish list and it's going to be long.

A bit after mid February

 I am pondering what to do.... I haven't done any of the Chookshed Challenge for this month, I thought I would have started the Quilt Fu...