Friday, January 28, 2022

Polar Bear Plunge Blog Hop


Well it's my day on the Polar Bear Plunge blog hop run by Joan of Moose Stash quilting. Well I just wish it was a bit cold here over the last few weeks I have been melting and we haven't hit the hot part of summer yet. 

AnywayI decided to make the Snowflake Cushion from The Pillow Pop book. I have had some old linen that I got from a friends mum years ago ,this piece was sewn to make a skirt, and went through the stash and found what I wanted.




The little petals were drawn onto interfacing then sewn to the petal fabric and turned through, it's a great method. Then the whole lot were sewn down with a tiny blanket stitch the front and back sewn together after the zip is inserted. Everything from my stash so I'm happy. Thanks for popping in.

Friday, January 7, 2022

New Year New Things To Do

I'm joining in on Friday night with friends which is organised by Cheryl from Gonestitchin" Oh my I need some lessons in blogging. Anyway I have been melting the last couple of days I really don't know how I will survive away from the aircon in February when it gets hot.

Earlier tonight I did some quilting on My "Happiness Quilt' which is a Monica Poole design from 2014, It is going to be my first finish this year it is really close to finished. Then I perservered with another Farmers Wife block. FPP and me are not awlways friends but this quilt is another 2022 finish on my list.

Tomorrow I'm off to work and then some more pickles to be made and tomatoes to be bottled when I get home. Have fun!

Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Bring it on 2022!!!!!!!

 A new year is always exciting,making promises to do more, eat better, sew more, visit people more often, all sorts of things but how often do we stick with it? I know I never do.  I have been making plans in my head and written down in my planner (when the one I ordered online arrives), I am going to sew more clothes and quilts maybe throw in a cross stitch as well, when I find one I like.

Christmas was fun we went to Wollongong which will always be home, the view as we were driving down Mt Ousley will always mean we're home. We had Dave's work party on the Wednesday then we visited his mum and Aunty on the thursday, we were going to have dinner with friends but they had a headcold and didn't want to go out, understandable. The lines at all the Covid testing stations were soooo long. Then we came home on Friday being Christmas eve. Shane came with us so he was here for Christmas a first in a while, then Brad and Sophie came up on Boxing Day. 

I had a menu planned but stupidly I didn't do a test run on the new recipes and the lentil walnut loaf took ages and the vegan banana cream pie was a dud as well but Shane ate them both and enjoyed them. The rest of us had a roast Turducken with roast vegetables and salad and a pavlova for dessert. 

Unfortunately Brad was violently ill that night , vomiting and worse then Shane got a head cold which he shared with Dave and I.

Shane and I went to Tamworth on Boxing Day for a bit of shopping, the Sheridan factory shop was a big hit with both of us getting towels and tea towles.

Some of the Christmas cards that I made with the Cricut Joy.

Dave went from having nothing to read to getting swamped with new and some used books. Shane got an apron with his name on it and a coffee machine.

I have been plodding along with my Smitten quilt, usually only when Chooky Blue has a zoom day, I quilted my half Hexie pillow

Apples Never Fall was a great book I love Liane Moriarty books and this didn't diasappoint. The chooks have been laying lots every day and we have had a few giant eggs that were double Yolkers.

A bit after mid February

 I am pondering what to do.... I haven't done any of the Chookshed Challenge for this month, I thought I would have started the Quilt Fu...