Wednesday, July 28, 2021

It's A Guy Thing Blog Hop

It's A Guy Thing

When Carol from Just Let Me Quilt announced this theme I knew what I was going to make. My husband doesn't ask me to sew many things for him, well there's always a hem when he get new jeans or trousers and the more than occasional button to replace and then there's patches on work clothes oh and machine embroidering his work logo on the employees shirts, but previously the only thing that he specifically asked for was a wind sail years ago make from ripstop nylon to slow the drag of the boat in a strong current or in the wind. I made said wind sail and it worked really well until that time when husband didn't pull in the wind sail and it got chewed up by the prop but it got fixed. 

So when we were travelling quite a bit over the last year to find our new home we would pack the car with just an overnight bag for clothes but then all the other bags came along on the back seat, within my arms reach for most of them. There is the lolly bag because we all know lollies or snacks are needed on a road trip, there was the just in case bag with the toilet roll and the last minute things that get packed(the books, the phone charger etc) There was the coffee and drink bottle bag, there was the sandwich and biscuits bag, ( we tried to cut down on stops and on sweets by having savoury biscuits and sandwiches pre-made) and there was the coffee machine bag. Yes we take our coffee machine everywhere with us, we like our machines coffee and most motels have horrible instant sachets so we take our own. The problem with the coffee machine bag it was a re-useable supermarket bag and people with big hands can't slide the machine into the bag successfully that is why he asked for a new bag.

I knew what I wanted to make it's the Honeymoon suitcase from Sara Lawson's Big City Bags book. I would change a few of the bits if I made another one and I wish I had quilted the main pieces a bit. I may have complained a bit about the bulk when sewing the lining to the main bag and the piping, I love the look of piping but it can get very bulky.

I am very happy with the end result

July 26

 Creatin' in the Sticks

Storied Quilts

Quilted Delights

Samelia's Mum

Vroomans Quilts

Karen's Korner

 July 27



Becky’s Adventures in Quilting and Travel


Words & Stitches

Days Filled With Joy

July 28

 Ms P Designs USA


Lianne Makes Stuff

For The Love Of Geese

Domestic Felicity

 July 29


That Fabric Feeling

Elizabeth Coughlin Designs

Quilt Schmilt

The Colorful Fabriholic

Songbird Designs

 July 30

 Just Let Me Quilt

Quilt Fabrication

Kathy's Kwilts and More

Patchouli Moon Studio

Food for Thought

Monday, July 5, 2021

We Have Moved

 We are Gunnedarians if that is a word. We have been here for 4 weeks now and love it!

Mind you there is still a lot of work to be done until we are really settled, there is a chook pen to erect (I suck at using a post hole digger Meh), raised garden beds to build and fill trees to lop and fill raised garden beds. Inside there is the mammoth task of working out where all our pictures go and we need another timber bookcase for photo albums and other books of course.

My last day at work I got to take the oldies for a bus trip and we went to a favourite spot for a photo, Bald Hill. This was some of the boxes mainly from my sewing room I think.

The gorgeous girls that I worked with out for my farewell, minus young Jade who was playing the pokies, they surprised me with some beautiful flowers that lasted for 2 weeks, some bubbles and candles and some cute but teeny tiny flamingo slippers.

 Some of the many many boxes of my sewing and craft room, I think there were more that 40.
A double rainbow, we didn't get the storm but some showers later in the afternoon, view from the pub. Our wonderful fireplace, Smokey Dave has it so hot we had to move the cabinet into another room.
The view east from Porpucine lookout.
 I found these tumblers leftover from the quilt that hasn't been quilted yet, I need to set up my frame and do some, these will go into something very soon. Saturday I joined in on Chooky Blues zoom session it was great I hadn't sewn with anyone for months. I finished the smitten block in the afternoon and in the morning , way to early to be sewing, I did a few rows on my Boro Stitching panel. I am way to critical of me sewing, I see the stitches and freak out that I can see them and with the Boro some were crooked I need to get over that. It's better to be finished than perfect! 
I also sewed through the week and got the last 2 blocks from last years bee quilt done. Then I spent way to long and cut my scraps up, only the pieces that were smaller than a layer cake or strips 5" and under. They are now in 2.5" strips, skinnier strips,2.5" squares, 5" squares and the schnibbles, which is basically smaller that those pieces. I have yet to colour code them but that can be for another day.



Cheers Lianne
Don't be hard on yourself>

A bit after mid February

 I am pondering what to do.... I haven't done any of the Chookshed Challenge for this month, I thought I would have started the Quilt Fu...