Well July is almost doneand Oh My it has been cold especially this last week.
I went to Sydney and stayed with the youngest son at Caringbah, right across from the railway line, and I went to the Sydney Craft Show at Darling Harbour. It was smaller than what it used to be but I saw a lot and caught up with a few people.
The man from Accuquilt remembered me from last year when I bought my cutting machine from him, and he helped me by carrying it across a park to my car, I was going to catch the carpark shuttle but I missed it so I started lugging it myself. He said his arms were sore for a week haha and he has been telling people all year about this poor woman that he helped he didn't know how she would have got it to the car if he hadn't stepped in. I told him as much as I appreciated his help and still do I would have got there eventually (probably without a box).
I did a scan n cut workshop and also a Janome M17 workshop. This is the same machine that I used last year and made a book cover, this year it was a fabric bowl

There was a quilt display at the show a lot was a visiting display from the States. This quilt was my favourite from the Quilt NSW display unfortunately the name card and descrition photo didn't turn out, I have been having trouble with my phone.