Tuesday, April 11, 2023

It's been busy here

 Howdy, It's been a while, in my defense it's been busy here and there's been a few minor traumas. 

I had a tooth pulled, face flared up and was very swollen after 35 minutes of the dentist trying to find the broken root, then an infection so not much fun. 

We went to the Dip and got our wood hopefully we have enough for winter.

Kate and I went to Dubbo for Craftalive it was a great day.

I have read a few good books as well.

I got a puncture on my way to Coolah sewing group, a very nice man stopped and helped, inmy defense I could have changed the tyre myself but he noticed I was wearing white and thought I wouldn't want to lie down in the red dirt. subsequently my car ended up with a wrecked shock absorber cover so I was off the road a bit.

Then we went to Wollongong for a friends memorial service, it was sad but nice to catch up with people that we haven't seen for years.

The local football club had a fun day with pig races as a fundraiser, it was a great day.

Recently I had a bit of an accident/incident where a 30 kilo aluminium plant stand was pushed into my foot and it popped my big toe nail off so I was out of action for a week until I could put a shoe on.

Friends stayed and painted our garage ans the eaves around the house.

The garden is going great the little flower bed at the back door has Marigolds popping up everywhere.

Brad and Sophie came up for the Easter weekend. 

It has been a bit hectic.

I have been doing a bit of sewing as well but that can wait for another post after Scrub Stitchin....

A bit after mid February

 I am pondering what to do.... I haven't done any of the Chookshed Challenge for this month, I thought I would have started the Quilt Fu...